Usage Agreement of Diswrap.js Pro

Please read this.

  1. Piracy

    1. Piracy is illegal in most countries and we will not tolerate piracy of any kind.

    2. We may take legal actions depending on the seriousness of the offense.

  2. Edits and Derivatives

    1. You are allowed to edit the content of the library, as long as NO VERSIONS of Diswrap.js Pro, including the original, are shared with anyone other than yourself.

    2. If you want to share your edits with anyone else, please suggest it in our Discord Server, and if the general consensus is positive, it will be added and updated

  3. Payment

    1. There will be no refund provided unless legally required or for an absolute emergency.

    2. If you are under 13, you must email if you are interested in purchasing Diswrap.js, and you must have parental approval to purchase.

  4. Updates

    1. All updates of Diswrap.js will be announced on our Discord server. It is your responsibility to update your copy of Diswrap.js

  5. License Termination Agreement

    1. If any of the following terms are broken, your license could be suspended

      1. You must not use Diswrap.js to create a Discord bot that is intended to break laws.

      2. You must not remove the bug report algorithm built into the bot without informing Apple Development. This algorithm is entirely in the background, and will not report personal/sensitive information.

      3. You cannot share derivative copies and/or original copies of Diswrap.js Pro.

      4. Your Diswrap.js bot must follow Discord's Terms of Service.

    2. License Termination

      1. Your license status is managed by us

        1. We reserve the right to terminate your license with a reasonable reason, not limited to the License Termination Agreement.

      2. Uninstallation Request

        1. If we ask you to uninstall your existing copies of Diswrap.js, you must do so.

        2. Asking you to uninstall existing copies does not always mean the termination of the license. It is because of that certain bots have broken the Agreement.

  6. Privacy

    1. Collection of Data

      1. We only collect:

        1. Your ProjectDelta Username

        2. Your email

      2. Reason

        1. License Verification

  7. Updates to this Document

    1. Last updated: 1/7/2023

    2. No notice will be given on changes to this document.

Last updated